Friday, February 12, 2016

Connection Observed Between Hand Grip Resistance and Ability to Finish Schoolwork

Study posted in the Journal of Health Psychology linked a positive relationship between the power to resist a hand grip and the willpower of students in completing their homework. A rather bizarre association to be made, but the argument goes ""If you have a high capacity for self-control you can have a high capacity in multiple domains," Stork says. "If you have a high level of self-control, it's not only for exercise or doing well in school, but it can also apply to other helpful behaviours as well, like regulating your eating or smoking habits."

Article by Science Daily here
Original published study on the The Journal of Health Psychology here.
Reference: Published online before print January 18, 2016, doi: 10.1177/1359105315623627
J Health Psychol January 18, 2016 1359105315623627

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