Sunday, December 6, 2015

Type II Diabetes Reversed via Pancreatic Fat Reduction

Study from Newcastle University, UK, illustrating the notion that losing pancreatic fat can reverse Type II Diabetes.

In a trial for Bariatric surgery, 18 people with T2DM and 9 without were measured in weight, fat levels in pancreas, and insulin response before and after surgery. Both groups losing the same amount of weight, yielded the result of having lost pancreatic fat until it was at a normal level in the T2DM patients, and not for the non-T2DM patients.

Other groups of patients with and without T2DM were asked to lose weight, where the weight loss showed fat being lost in the pancreas in the T2DM patients, and no fat being lost in the patients without T2DM.

Both results suggest that pancreatic fat accumulation is specific to people who develop T2DM.
The amount of fat needed to reverse the diabetes was about 1 gram of pancreatic fat.

Sciencedaily article here.
Original published study in the journal Diabetes Care here.
Reference: December 1, 2015, doi: 10.2337/dc15-0750

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