Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sugar reduction improves physiological markers in obese children

A study done on 43 obese children with hypertension, hyperinsulinemia, a lipid profile of high LDL, and low HDL, high fasting glucose and other physiological markers typically associated with Metabolic Syndrome yielded surprising results after a 9-day fructose sugar reduction in diet. The sugar reduction was the only marker reduced, and carbohydrate ingestion was adjusted to maintain the same amount of calories.

This to me, raises again the counter-intuitive notion that overweight, and even obese people can be healthy physiologically. If all parameters checks out, you can be overweight and still physiologically normal.

Article by ScienceDaily here.
Original published study on the journal Obesity here.
Reference: DOI: 10.1002/oby.21371

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